You can’t find even a single photograph of Woo Myung on the internet.
Well, having no images precisely matches his message to the world.
Woo Myung is the founder of the Ma-Eum Su-Ryun meditation method, also known as Maum Meditation, and the organization that’s working to facilitate it.
His message, on the face of it, appears to be drastically new. But is it really something new?
Well, this is exactly what we will find out here in this article — is the message from Woo Myung actually something new, or is he saying the same old concepts of self-realization and enlightenment in just a new way.
Woo Myung’s Message
Woo Myung says in his books that we humans live in false mind worlds. The worlds are made up of all the images that we have stored in our minds since birth.
All of our senses are cameras.
And, we act out according to those stored images of memories, experiences, and ideas.
Well, who could deny that?
All of the world’s spiritual and theological wisdom attest to this concept of living in the worlds of illusions created by the mind.
The Indian Yogic and Buddhist philosophies have termed it as Maya. The Abrahamic scriptures also term this world as an illusion. Jungian psychology also states the same when it terms the personality as the layers of onions formed over the years.
“We are like onions with many skins, and we have to peel ourselves again and again in order to get at the real core.” – Carl Jung.
Another aspect of Woo Myung’s philosophy is the assertion that once we discard or subtract these false mind worlds, we become truth and reside on the true land or plane of existence. Woo also refers to this plane of existence as paradise or heaven.
In a nutshell, when the false human self dies, the human is then born anew in the truth. That truth has been described by Woo Myung in numerous ways, like god, true mind, the soul and spirit, the emptiness, heaven, etc., throughout his books.
Now as you can see, it is what is meant by any other school of thought, religion, or philosophy when they are referring to the ultimate something.
So, Woo Myung is also telling us about this essential concept of transcending our false and made-up belief systems, and ultimately, the illusory idea of the self. Once we do that, we can realize our true selves.
However, what’s shocking is the way Woo Myung chose to tell his message through his books — the way he writes.
It’s shocking to experience that there’s the same thing repeated throughout all the Woo Myung books. It seems that he is not here to explain anything. His business is simply asserting what he found to be true, and asserting it as many times as one might want to read.
This repetition, on the other hand, can also make one feel as if the books were written by an AI after being fed with all the esoteric books of the world. Or, perhaps, it seems so because Woo is writing from the human AI wisdom, that he says one achieves when one becomes the true mind.
Woo Myung’s Newness
So, it can be safely said that it’s not the message where the newness lies.
The newness of the message lies in the way it has been delivered — the language of simplicity and unabashed repetition.
And the direct way Woo Myung says thing —
“These are false lives, lived in false worlds”.
Such a direct attempt at tackling the language of eternity and infinity has not been attempted before. All the writers, while dealing with the realm of the spirits and the soul, have resorted to arbitrary mystical language. But not Woo Myung. He will be as direct as possible even at the risk of sounding insane.
But at the same time, the directness of his sentences makes them even more mystical. Like a mandala, the same forms and structures are repeated with slight changes here and there.
Now, we must say that our Upheaval Books analysis of Woo Myung’s books hasn’t offered any new message. It’s just another, albeit new, way of pointing to the same old truth of the ultimate human objective — becoming enlightened through realizing the truth or becoming united with God or divine.
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Best Books of Woo Myung
As mentioned above, all of Woo Myung’s books are basically the repetition of the same ideas of discarding the stored images in the forms of karma, habits, and even the body to get to the truth.
So basically, reading only his latest book titled “How to Have a Meeting with God, Buddha, Allah” would be quite enough to offer you all the insight into his philosophical mind.
However, if the concepts of Maya, illusion, false mind, and true mind are not fully clear for you to understand, you might as well want to browse some of his other books. Reading the same ideas told in numerous ways and in numerous contexts will gradually help you to perceive these abstract concepts better.
Here’s a list of Woo Myung books that you can take a glance at:
The Philosophic Books
How to Have a Meeting with God, Buddha, Allah
The Living Eternal World: World Beyond World II
Stop Living In This Land, Go To The Everlasting World Of Happiness, Live There Forever
Books Containing Philosophy Laced with Practice:
Heaven’s Formula For Saving The World
Where You Become True Is The Place Of Truth