Dr Joe Dispenza is surely one of the highly sought-after personal transformation coaches out there. But how about Joe Dispenza reviews?
He is one of the few self-help, meditation, and mindfulness teachers who comes from a background in scientific research.
Joe has written four books so far. However, his main offerings are the workshops, courses, and meditations that he sells on his website.
Despite having so many people benefitting from his work, many negative Joe Dispenza reviews are circulating online. In addition, many people are voicing their concerns about the usefulness of Dr Joe Dispenza’s courses and workshops.
We will try to have a closer and deeper look into these Dr Joe Dispenza reviews and concerns. We will also try to get a realistic view into the efficacy of Joe Dispenza’s techniques and practices.
First, let’s have a look at Dr Joe Dispenza book reviews!
Joe Dispenza Reviews: Books
The most famous and the latest of all Joe Dispenza books is Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon.
Let’s start Dr Joe Dispenza book reviews with this one!
Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon Reviews
Just from the title itself, you can sense that the book surely is claiming high things. It’s aiming to turn common people like us into supernatural beings.
Some of the stories told in the book of other people becoming supernatural are very uplifting and can be useful to boost your morale, confidence, and belief.
The meditations and the practical steps to perform the meditations can also be beneficial to many readers. In this respect, this book from Joe Dispenza is the most practice-oriented among all his other books.
However, the book can also be annoying when you consider the vivid childish descriptions of Joe Dispenza experiencing his pineal gland experiences, past life experiences, and other similar incidents.
Although no one can refute his experiences as unreal or made-up, they simply seem a bit too psychedelic, naive, and useless.
Also, the way the book has been written is found to be boring and dry by many readers.
An Amazon reviewer rightly describes that the book “repeats the importance of key requirements that must be mastered in order to induce life-changing states of mind such as reaching alpha/theta/delta brain waves, reaching elevated states of emotion, creating correct heart rate variance, changing focus from the past/future to the now, BUT NEVER EXPLAINS HOW TO DO SO!”
But why doesn’t the book explain the how part? One might wonder.
Simply because achieving these requirements is not as easy as the present-day coaches advertise them to be.
Also, all the high-sounding achievements or experiences of the quantum world, the space-time and time-space realities, and the use of the pineal gland to access the mystical realms are simply impractical for most meditation practitioners. All this can also be termed as pseudoscientific and unrealistic as of now.
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One Reviews
Once again, we see the overuse of the appealing quantum world. However, this book is more realistic and contains a large amount of valuable content for the readers.
It will do some good to anyone who reads it, whether you practice the steps to a new you described in the book or not.
Whether you get to become a new you or not, you will get a few directions into dealing with anxiety, worry, and negativity in your life.
However, in the long run, the book mostly contains theories trying to scientifically prove that the practices alluded to are something authentic. But it focuses less on the actual practices.
You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter
It’s kind of saying the same thing as Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, but with the main focus on healing yourself with the power of thought.
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself dealt with the overall change in the mental environment. This one exclusively tries to change the thoughts, perceptions, and beliefs specific to a particular disease to make the disease go away. Hence the name You Are the Placebo.
However, the book mostly contains theoretical knowledge about how the placebo effect actually works and how the power of thoughts and beliefs makes you sick and can also heal you. It also shares some research and real-life incidents where the placebo effect has been proven to work.
But again, the book falls short on the actual practical steps on achieving such a mental state of strong belief where one can heal oneself through the power of belief.
In this book, too, Joe refers to the quantum world and tells the readers to make use of the quantum world of infinite possibility to make the future free of diseases.
So, from Dr Joe Dispenza book reviews, you can see that Dr Joe Dispenza is actually all about the power of the mind. That means the power of your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and emotions.
What’s really characteristic of Joe’s philosophy and practice is the uncanny use of the quantum world and the integration of quantum physics discoveries. Although many other teachers and authors have been doing this now, it must be mentioned that going into the quantum in your mind is not something so casual as they describe it to be.
Also, another characteristic of his books is that they become too theoretical. He always tries to prove his points with real-life stories and research. And he often draws conclusions from these stories and research to prove his esoteric points.
Sometimes, as many other readers have asserted, his materials seem very much borderline pseudoscience. As many of his stories have no source, and much of the research is not substantiated.
Another Dr Joe Dispenza book review rightly says, “when you fact check it…there is really nothing to back it up. Initially, I was super impressed but it’s really weak when it comes to proof.”
So, the books really fall short in delivering on the high promises that they make.
But what about the courses and workshops?
Joe Dispenza Reviews: Course and Workshops
So far, we have analyzed Dr Joe Dispenza reviews for his books. Now let’s have a look into other areas of his services.
What makes his courses and workshops different from his books?
Yes, there’s definitely the community aspect of getting together at a workshop or a retreat and getting live classes and lectures from Dr Joe Dispenza himself. But the lectures are the same materials as the books.
Most of the course materials are also the same theories and stories. The dynamics of a live event surely can be more energetic and invigorating and motivating.,
However, the essence of all that’s being sold by Dispenza is surely the meditative practices.
No matter in the form of a course, retreat, workshop, or something else, it’s all about the meditative practices to make you the master of your mind, life, and body.
The goals are usually to make your life better by changing the negative aspects of your mental existence and replacing the negatives with positive attributes.
It’s about raising your mental waves and vibration to soothing high levels. Making your thoughts, feelings, and emotions pleasant so that you gradually become better at living in peace at the present moment, all the while manifesting your desired happy future.
These are mostly the goals of all the new-age meditative practices in general. It’s not the ancient meditations of self-realization and enlightenment that’s the goal here.
Although Joe talks a bit here and there about the divine energy and the supernatural elements involved with existence and being and the importance of acknowledging these aspects of reality, the major objective here is creating or manifesting an abundant, happy, and healthy life through meditative practices. Not self-realization, per se.
To tell the truth, Joe has simply over complicated the simple meditative practices of the ancient sages, mixed them with modern scientific verbiages such as brain waves, electromagnetic signatures, quantum realms, and stuff. All these can make it seem much more difficult to the many practitioners.
The same objectives can be achieved with other more straightforward and organic meditative practices that have been going on for ages, like simply relaxed visualization practices, regular breathing practices, and practicing mindful stillness just as it is.
One thing that most modern meditation teachers fail to tell their students is the simplicity of all things meditation. Maybe because if they make it more complex, the perceived value of their courses and practices increases.
But any meditation practitioner knows that the true power resides in the simplicity and natural meditative power of the being.
Even monkeys meditate at times. It comes to them naturally.
It also comes to us naturally, but the overthinking and overactive modern, neurotic mind takes us away from the natural meditative and peaceful state of being – simply being a meditative human.
So, Joe’s workshops and meditations can seem very appealing to these neurotic minds because anything simple, like mindful breathwork and simple visualizations from the third eye, seems too easy to be effective to the over-complicated minds.
This doesn’t mean, however, that Joe Dispenza’s meditations and workshops are not effective at all. But most of it will be a waste of time for most of the practitioners. Advanced practitioners will also find them too far-fetched from the actual naturality of the real organic meditations.
However, practicing them will certainly work to a varying degree from person to person, as at the basis of all is still the essential practices derived from the ancient wisdom of stillness and the visualization and manifestation of peace and inner realities.
It will just take more time to reach what you truly want to gain.
On the other hand, some of the meditations and programs will never work for many because the things purported to be achieved are not practical for almost all of humanity at this stage of human evolution. Such as, placebo meditations won’t simply work for 99% percent of practitioners for 99% of diseases.
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A Fine Alternative to Joe Dispenza Meditations
Now, if you are really looking for something natural and organic stripped off of all the unnecessary fluff, try Inner Engineering from Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev.
You will get a much faster connection to what meditation actually is.
There are both online and in-person programs available.
There are simple and short meditative practices that are much easier to follow and implement in your daily life. The impact can be sensed from the very first day. And, there are other a bit more advanced pathways that you can follow from there.
You can also read a couple of books to get into the philosophy and approach of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev before you plan on further investment.
Here are the two books that we recommend:
Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy
Joy 24 x 7: Jeetendra Jain Explores Joy with Sadhguru
We hope this article on Joe Dispenza reviews has contributed to your understanding of Dr Joe Dispenza’s books, courses, workshops, and meditations.