How to meditate? You might know the answer. But then again, there’s always a new and better way of looking at things.

How to meditate? You might know the answer. But then again, there’s always a new and better way of looking at things.
The esoteric and spiritual way of surrendering for greater control over life has been taught and professed by numerous wise people and sages throughout history. Here are a few profound quotes on surrender from those sages and prominent personalities that will help you to sustain the attitude of surrender in your life. Read More on […]
Here’s the three-step equation for deploying surrender meditation or the spirit of surrender in your daily life: To practice this equation in life, it’s imperative that you understand the concept of The Fall and The Force. The Fall Imagine you suddenly find yourself falling through empty space. Various sights and sounds pass you by as […]
Surrender meditation is a method of practicing meditation. It entails letting go of all your mental, physical, and energetic being. That’s why it is also called letting go meditation.
Involuntary jerks during meditation, body jolts during meditation, twitching while meditating, or any other similar experienced are fairly common in meditators. Almost all of us experience such jolts, jerks, or twitches at certain stages of our meditation practice. So, if you are worried about why does your body jerk during meditation, rest assured that it’s […]
One of the main reasons people use saunas is for relaxation. And, do you know what? Relaxation happens to be one of the main reasons for doing meditation as well. So, why not do meditation in the sauna to reach higher levels of relaxed states faster and more effectively? Yes, if you are thinking of […]
Life is but a dream means that our lives merely are subjective dreams or illusions as opposed to being a solid objective cosmic existence. It also indicates that the objective reality we experience is a simulation, just like we see a simulation or mental projection when we dream while sleeping. Although it might sound simple […]
The idea of the void has been among the pivotal subjects of discussion across science and philosophy. So, what is the void? Scientifically, the void means a purely empty space. There has been a raging debate for centuries about whether a void is a possibility or not. Can any space be totally empty? Imagine a […]
No, peace is not an emotion or a feeling. It’s a state of mind. You can also term it as a state of being or existence. It’s surprising that these basic questions are left unanswered in our world. However, understanding these fundamental distinctions among feelings, emotions, and states of being are pivotal in our journey […]
We do not realize this, but we are the sufferers of our minds. If only we could change the state of our minds at will, we could change the direction of life for the best outcomes. Our mind constantly tortures us with thoughts, emotions, and feelings that are harmful and unnecessary. Thousands of thoughts about […]