The key to living the law of attraction is simple – it’s all about making your inner fortress of peace and joy indestructible.
You can attest to it simply by looking at your days when you are truly happy and everything else is also going very smoothly compared to the days when a bad mood accompanies things not going your way at all.
That’s the basic truth about the law of attraction – the way you are, the way things around you will turn out to be.
A Story About the Key to Living the Law of Attraction
The other day Joshua was feeling a bit frustrated about something. On top of that, he had to leave for a meeting in about 10 minutes.
But for some weird reasons, nothing was working straight.
First, his Uber app crashed, and he had to restart his phone.
It took away precious two to three minutes of his time. But then, when he finally got into the app, there were no drivers nearby!
“Are you kidding me!!” He whispered angrily.
“I am freaking out within,” he realized! “I must calm down right now and balance my energies to create a favorable external environment for the things to go my way.”
He sat down on a chair and simply let his mind and body relax for a bit. He brought the inner environment to a calmer situation, and gradually his natural optimism and happy attitude returned.
Now, sitting there on the chair, he opened Uber again. The app started, and there was a driver right in front of his building.
This story, in a basic form, actually holds the key to living the law of attraction.
No matter the situation you are in, if you can maintain an inner atmosphere of calmness and peacefulness, the external situation will soon start to neutralize and stabilize.
Whatever the negativity or dangers are around you, they will soon start to dissipate.
The more pleasant your attitude towards your life and the universe, the more pleasant your universe will become for you.
Work on Your Energies. Make Them Pleasant.
Now, the word energy here might seem a bit complicated at first.
You might wonder that humans are not electrical circuits that will have energy flowing within the body.
Yes, true. However, energy is everything. Everything, including the human body, is made out of energy. It is not realizable through our human senses and the intellect. So, let’s not get into the theory of it all. Instead, let’s get into the practical implications.
For practical purposes, working on your energies means simply making your mind and body be at peace and joy as much as possible.
When your mind and body are at peace, your energies are pleasantly vibrating in tune with all the good and pleasant things in the universal existential spectrum.
As a result, whatever way the future unfolds, it will be influenced by those pleasant vibrations.
At this stage, you might be wondering about the aspect of manifesting a reality that’s so much inherently connected with the law of attraction.
Manifestation and the Law of Attraction
Here, you must understand that manifesting whatever you want is not directly connected with the key to living the law of attraction.
Manifestation occurs as the by-product of practicing the law of attraction and also needs assistance from additional tools like active visualization.
You have to deploy concentrated visualization along with your usual levels of peace and joy to make manifestation happen.
Moreover, manifestation is not that much of a radically fast and magically quick thing that much of the popular literature on the law of attraction claims it to be.
Manifestation takes time and is seldom works perfectly.
On top of that, it takes years of practicing the visualization techniques and fine-tuning the three-step of the process to manifestation as proposed by proponents of the law of attraction, such as the book by Rhonda Byrne, The Secret.
Suffering and the Key to Living the Law of Attraction
One thing that caught the attention of many serious readers of the law of attraction books is the lack of focus on the reality of human suffering.
Bad things happen to every single one of us.
There are days when no matter how hard you try, you simply can’t make yourself back to your fortress of peace, joy, and calm.
What to do then? How to reconcile this unavoidable human existential sufferings with the key to living the law of attraction.
Here, the keyphrase that you must remember like a mantra is that — this too shall pass.
No matter how hard the lemons life has thrown at your way, the pain will go away sooner than later.
Even if there’s no end in sight of your seemingly endless and meaningless sadness, there will soon be days when the inner sun will shine brighter than ever.
You have to keep fighting on with yourself to hasten the process of returning to joy internally. Then, the external will automatically fall into place.
The Key Practices for Living the Law of Attraction
There is numerous law of attraction courses and techniques that are available on the web. It can be quite confusing as to what to practice what.
Instead of getting lost in the clouds of information floating around, let’s take a look at the quintessential practices from which most other techniques and tools are actually derived.
The Mindfulness Movement
The mindfulness movement is the most pervasive personal development discipline that has been around for quite some time now.
Around 60-70% of all practices in the self-help and personal growth landscape fall within the domain of the mindfulness movement.
Mindfulness meditation tools and techniques are also quite effective for living the law of attraction as it enables you to control your mind over the external and internal forces.
By practicing mindfulness, you become aware of your mental being and have greater control over your feeling and emotions. As a result, you get to easily create that fortress of peace and joy that’s the key to living the law of attraction.
Mindfulness means having an all-encompassing view and presence across your being while staying grounded on your momentary awareness.
The major goal here is to attain mental silence devoid of any guilt or regret of the past and the fear or anxiety of the future.
It’s about simply basking in the warmth of your present awareness, as the popular phrase goes about being in the moment.
When your mind is silent, firmly grounded in the present moment, unruffled by any petty fears or worries, then you are well in place to create the serene fortress of peace and joy within you.
So, how can you practice mindfulness? Here are the easiest and the most effective practices.
The Breathing Practice
The breathing practice or meditation to achieve mindfulness is the most ancient technique, having roots in the ancient eastern yogic and Buddhist practices.
It simply entails focusing on your breaths without trying to control them.
Simply focus on your inhalation and exhalation while sitting or lying down in a fully relaxed position. Keep at it for as long as you can. Whenever your attention falters, bring it back to breathing again.
The breathing practice is also constant practice. It means keeping an unfaltering focus on breathing throughout the day while living your active life.
No matter how many times your attention wanders away, bring it back to your breathing.
Gradually, in just a couple of days of practice, you will see a significant amount of increase in your mindfulness level. You will also feel much more at peace.
Read for Total Illumination: Breathing through the Whole Body by Will Johnson.
The Body Scan
The body scan is another widely practiced and appreciated technique for achieving and maintaining mindfulness and the fortress of peace and joy.
You can also practice it in combination with breathing practices.
For the body scan, you have to wield your attention and keep firm control over it.
Start from the top of your head – your scalp – focus and feel the relaxation there. Then, gradually bring your attention down to your forehead, the temples, and the back of your head.
Then, to your eyebrows and the face. While doing so, try to make each of the body parts as relaxed as possible. Simply let go of the hold-up tension in those parts of your face.
Gradually bring down your attention through your throat, chest, back, stomach, hips, legs, calves, and all the down to your toes.
Now, do the same upwards from the tows to the top of your head.
Practicing this body scan minutely with total attention will result in the same levels of calmness, silence, and peace that you will get from the breathing practices.
You will gradually start to get greater control over your mind and attention so that you can stay unaffected by anything, firmly grounded in your fortress of peace and joy, which is the key to living the law of attraction.
Counting Backwards
Another greatly used meditative practice for living the key to the law of attraction is the counting backwards practice. It has been endorsed by the Silva Mind Control Method founder Jose Silva.
For this practice, you have to position yourself in a relaxed posture sitting or lying. Feel the relaxation from head to toe. You can deploy the body scan technique to fortify the relaxation.
Then, count from 100 to 1 with your focus on the counting.
It’s natural for your attention to wander away, or some thought might intrude on your focus. But bring it back again to counting. Practice this for around 10 days. Then, start from 50 for 10 more days. Then ten to one for another ten days, then five to one from then on. Establish a routine of meditating two or three times a day, about fifteen minutes a session.
With this practice, you will soon be at a stage of a peaceful mental state of mindful awareness.
With these bonafide, tried and tested techniques from maintaining your inner fortress of peace, joy, and positivity, you will soon get the key to living the law of attraction forever.
Gradually, your inner fortitude and positive strength will also increase, enabling you to finally be able to test the waters of creative manifestation using the law of attraction and visualization techniques.