Why it’s so difficult for many of us to find life purpose?
It’s mainly because we view ourselves as individuals before looking as part of humanity and nature.
We must understand and realize the fact that we, as individual human beings, are parts of humanity as a whole. Our goals and life purpose are inseparable from the purpose of humanity as a whole.
So, before we can find out our individual life purpose, we must get hold of the universal purpose of humanity. Once we get a clear grasp over that purpose, finding and understanding our individual purpose would be a piece of cake.
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The Purpose of Humanity
Abruptly put for dramatic effect—the purpose of humanity is God, Light, Bliss, Freedom, and Immortality.
From the very beginning of human thought, the attainment of god, pure bliss, total freedom, and immortality have been the most primal of human aspirations.
If we look at evolution over the millions of years, we can see that these aspirations are also shared by nature itself.
Nature evolved life out of matter. And, then, mind out of life. So, it’s very much apparent that she is now up for evolving the mind for something even higher.
This outlook on evolution has also been attested by numerous ancient sources of knowledge and modern-day thinkers and researchers.
The end game of evolution is bringing god, pure bliss, total freedom, and immortality into human beings via continuous evolution of the mind into something like a supermind of sorts.
Therefore, the goal and purpose of humanity is to achieve this end of evolution. However, nature is too powerful, and whether the individual humans realize this or not, she will achieve what she has set out to achieve by gradually bringing greater illuminations to the human minds that are yet to be born.
In this way, when you realize or accept this evolutionary purpose of humanity, your purpose as an individual human becomes as clear as day!
The Purpose of an Individual
To put it again abruptly for dramatic effect — the purpose of the individual too is God, Light, Bliss, Freedom, and Immortality.
The purpose of the parts cannot be different from the purpose of the whole.
So, your task now as an individual human being is to strive for these high ideals and aid nature in hastening the process for the whole of humanity.
The ideal and goals are surely high and lofty. But this shouldn’t deter you from starting the work. Evolution, my friend, is a matter of millions of years. But that doesn’t mean that you won’t strive for whatever betterments and improvements can be achieved in your lifetime.
Even if you could gather only a bit of all that — a bit of god, light, bliss, and freedom — it would be more than worthwhile.
- So, design your life in such as way that allows for maximum evolutionary growth – the sole purpose of your life as part of nature.
- Subordinate everything else to this ultimate goal.
- Work to make earnings that will allow investing in knowledge of this end.
- Plan your days so that you have enough time to ponder about all these and get deeper insights into your evolutionary purpose.
- Meditate to find out your inner workings and uncover the routes to your evolutionary growth.
If you can work to this end for a sustained period of a few days, you will soon automatically realize that this actually is your purpose.
The Hurdles Towards Realizing Life Purpose
Most certainly, the main, and perhaps the only, barrier to realizing your life purpose is your ego, the man-made self in you.
The identity that you have borrowed while growing up in the world among others.
The self and identity formed an ego that’s conflicted, confused, and pursuing second-hand goals assuming them to be their own.
That’s exactly why it’s essential that you learn to look at yourself as an integral part of the whole of humanity and learn to accept the fate of humanity as your own. Then, the shallow, misleading, and confusing goals of the individual ego will dissolve.